Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind: 10 Brain-Friendly Foods to Improve Mental Health

Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind: 10 Brain-Friendly Foods to Improve Mental Health

Brain-friendly foods called “superfoods” can enhance different aspects of brain health. People who suffer from mental troubles often seek help by visiting their primary doctor or psychologist. This normally results in a long list of prescriptions with side effects that, from personal experience at least, don’t always improve and can sometimes worsen mental health. 

Luckily, there are many natural approaches for improving mental health, including the foods mentioned below. 

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Nutrition attrition

Nutrition attrition

When I see the endless column inches espousing healthy living I understand why they exist, but question whether preaching is the best medium. Can’t we just decide for ourselves? Yes…

…But, a few minutes of research will show you that there is great discord in the many articles devoted to the subject of nutrition in fruit and veg. 

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