Huo 火, it’s hot!

Huo 火, it’s hot!

In the final instalment of our Eastern epic, we’ll be looking at the challenges associated with ensuring your plants get the right amount of heat and light. I’ve used the Chinese word for fire, (huo, 火) as a somewhat clumsy proxy for all things heat and light producing. But bear with me…. 

In my experience this can be one of the most challenging areas for an urban farmer, especially one with minimal or no outdoor space. Add in the man-made elements of central heating, air-conditioning and the uneven lighting you might get in a home (e.g. only getting morning sun) and you need to pick your plants and spots wisely. 

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Elemental disorder – tu much jin?

Elemental disorder – tu much jin?

In this second instalment of the Chinese five elements posts, we'll talk about 土 (tu, earth), the most commonly-used medium for plant growing, and mineral nutrients (including metals, jin, 金).

Plants can be temperamental little things and getting the right pairing can be important. Then there are fertilizers and nutrients to consider. Your average garden center can be quite daunting on first visit with the array of soils and supplements. So where do you start? 

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Elemental disorder

Elemental disorder

In this, the first of four posts, I will look at the traditional Chinese five-element theory. So, why four posts for five elements? One of the elements is wood (木), which I take as a proxy for the green things we’re looking to grow using the other elements. 

Those elements are: water (水), fire (火), earth (土), and metal(金). 

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