Bird and the Bees (and vibrating toothbrushes)

Bird and the Bees (and vibrating toothbrushes)

Despite the title, this isn’t an urban legend about college initiation ceremonies, but it does get a little fruity! Today children, we’re going to talk about reproduction… in this case fruit and veg.

One of the challenges for many urban farmers is ensuring the flowers that will turn to fruits or veg pollinate. Insects are our friends here, with bees first amongst equals. 

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Welcome to the farmerly

Welcome to the farmerly

Urban Farming means different things to different people. My definition is simple: growing food in an urban or confined setting.  I’ve done this in various locations with diverse conditions. Throughout this process I’ve experimented and made plenty of mistakes, and enjoyed some successes. One of the reasons I make mistakes is because farming can be hard. As Brian Breet put it, “Farming is a profession of hope”. But people with hope are good people to be around.

The other reason I make mistakes is I’m a man, and therefore not given to reading instructions properly. In my defence I would argue they’re often quite dry and dull. I will endeavour to not go down that (garden) path. 

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